A Balancing Act: Managing Training Loads for Improved Sport Performance & Decreased Injury Risks
For a female athlete trying to improve her lacrosse game, adding another 2 nights of practice to her schedule may not actually get her the results she wants...
For a female athlete who just rolled her ankle at softball practice... taking 3 entire days off may not get her back on the field as fast as intended.
The relationship between training load, injury, and performance is much too complex to simplify in a ‘DO MORE’ or ‘DO LESS’ statement. Rather, we have to consider the bigger picture when working towards a certain sport goal.
This is where managing an athlete’s TRAINING LOAD is key to help drive performance and decrease injury risks!
So what does this mean for the female athlete’s who play HIGH volume sports?
Too Young? Unsafe? No Time? Research Says...Young Female Athletes MUST Strength Train.
Lifting stunts growth! Lifting is dangerous! Lifting is necessary?
With more females engaging in sport than ever, overuse injuries ranging from tendonitis to stress fractures and non-contact ACL tears on the rise.
But research helps us understand although sport is not enough to prepare the youth athlete’s body for sport, she can do something else….
Balancing Sports Training & Recovery
As sports seasons commence and homework loads start to pile, female athletes are placed under massive amounts of stress.
Although some of the stressors are out of her control, there are 3 main factors she can manage that DIRECTLY influence how well she performs, recovers, and improves this season.
Read on to find out:
Female Athletes & Their Menstrual Cycles
Female athletes everywhere know their period will affect how they feel, and how they feel will affect how they perform. Although skipping a few periods or missing a period all together could seem attractive for a female who feels like crap on her period, a missing period or dysfunctional cycle is a HUGE warning sign that cannot be ignored.
This article helps explain the science behind the importance of a female athlete’s period in helping her perform and recovery and why a female athlete may be missing her period. Read on!
To Play Multiple Sports or to Specialize?: The Dilemma Faced by Female Athletes
Sport specialization vs multi-sport athletes is a hot topic when considering athlete development. When considering female athletes it is even hotter. And for good reason….
With knee injuries in female athletes occurring upwards of 2 to 5x the rate compared to male athletes in some sports, the relationship between sport specialization, sports success, and sports injuries is a conversation we NEED to have.
Although the topic is hot, the answer to the question: “should females athletes play multiple sports or specialize early?” is not so cut and dry...
Read on to find out why
Muscle Soreness & Sports Performance: Should you lift weights before a game?
Muscle soreness CAN lead to a decrease in power output! But is lifting weights the reason you are sore?
Or is there something “novel” we have to consider?
Mental Toughness And Female Athletes
Mental toughness seems to be a buzz word among sport coaches with methods ranging from extra running and ‘team bonding activities to limited water breaks and getting sick after a bout of hard sprints.
Find out which methods are causing more harm than good and what parents, coaches, & fellow athletes can do instead to help maintain a positive & motivational atmosphere that is crucial for female athletic development.
Do Female Athletes Get ACL Injuries Because Of Hormones?
Research demonstrates females are 3-6x more likely to experience an ACL injury compared to male athletes…..but are our hormones to blame?
Are female’s innately more fragile? Or is there much more to the story we need to consider….
Should I use Kinesio ® Tape?
KT tape seems to be all the rage with athletes….but what does the science say?
Does KT tape help injuries heal faster? Can it make you feel better? Or is it just a waste of money…..?
Girl, You Need to TRAIN. Why “Working Out” Doesn’t Work for Female Athletes.
Exercises that “work on” something and exercises that are designed within a training program will have vastly different results when considering female athletic development.
Learn how a training program differs from workouts, and how to approach programming for female athletes.
The Ultimate Guide to Female Athletes and SHIN SPLINTS
Every year when pre-season comes around, females often suffer from shin splints.
Find out what shin splints actually are, why the female athlete gets them, and what she can do to reduce her chance of experiencing them next season!
Birth Control to the Rescue? How Oral Contraceptives REALLY Impact An Athlete
By Emily R Pappas, MS
For many female athletes, experiencing an irregular or missing period during the sport season seems “normal”. In an attempt to “bring her period back”, some doctors may still suggest taking an oral contraceptive.
But for many female athletes, an irregular cycle is a signal that a female athlete’s natural hormones are not working properly. Placing a young adolescent female on an oral contraceptive may create an illusion that her period is “regular”, BUT it does NOT mean that her hormones are working optimally.
Unfortunately, current research shows us taking an oral contraceptive is a “band aid” to the problem and does not address the CAUSE.
For female athletes considering taking an oral contraceptive for irregular or missing periods, this article is a MUST.
The Science Behind Glute Activation
Glute activation is a ‘buzz word’ especially when considering the female athlete
From monster walks to clamshells, find out the science behind what these movements actually do and a more efficient alternative when it comes to preparing for sport!
Before the 1980s, female athletes experienced restrictions in sport ranging from not being allowed to ride a horse during her period, to limiting the number of dribbles taken on the basketball court to keep her from from overexerting herself.
Although rules have changed, the association between females & fragility still exists and often creates a frustrating world for the female athlete to excel in.
Find out the history of women in sport, the influence of media, and why the misguided fear of “bulkiness” & lifting heavy still exists.
The Science Behind Core Training
From bosu balls to 3 minute planks, coaches everywhere try to implement “core training” into their sports practice. A stable core helps athletes transfer force more efficiently allowing for harder kicks, faster sprints, higher jumps, and a more resilient athlete.
But here’s the thing, research shows us core stability and core training in isolation often have little to no transfer to sports performance.
Keep reading to find out the most effective way female athletes can develop core stability.
It seems to be the norm for a parent to sign her daughter up to play club soccer, engage in specific speed and agility sessions, and weekend long showcases far before considering signing up for strength training.
Unfortunately this practice is leading to an ever increasing rate of sport injuries occurring in young female athletes-injuries that have been cited to be reduced by HALF when athletes are introduced to strength training.
In fact, sport scientists cite strength training as a NECESSARY precursor for females to PREPARE their young body for the forces faced on the field or court.
So why aren’t more parents and coaches pushing for it PRIOR to competitive sport play?
“MOBILITY” is all the rage in the fitness industry, and foam rolling or “soft tissue” work is often cited as a necessary warm-up tool by fitness gurus.
But what does the research say? Is foam rolling necessary? Or is it just a waste of time? Is there a better way to prepare the female athlete’s body for movement?
Check out this article to learn what the current science suggests!