The Player Development Pyramid
Do you want to become the BEST female athlete you can be?⠀⠀Then its time to understand how to prioritize developing your ATHLETICISM over your specific sport skills.
Think of your abilities as a (enter your sport here) player as the peak of a pyramid the height of your skills are dependent on the qualities they are built on!
If you want to learn how to develop your athleticism, this one is a MUST READ!
Female athletes who want to be faster, more explosive, and more resilient often wonder if deep squats are dangerous for their knees.
While various research studies have found that deep squats can be highly effective for improving lower body strength, we still find that athletes, parents, and coaches question the significance of even the most fundamental human movements.
The TRUTH about Static Stretching!
Decades ago, static stretching was claimed to be an effective way to help reduce injury risks in athletes. But as times change, so does our understanding of what static stretching does and DOES NOT do for our athletes.
So is stretching the golden ticket to keeping female athletes healthy??
Quick Answer: NO.
In fact, in some scenarios static stretching could cause more harm than good.
Keep reading to find out what the current research tells us about static stretching for our female athletes.
Why You Should Find Time to Lift in Season
For a female athlete trying to improve her performance in her sport, strength training is a must
But what should the female athlete do when season ramps up and time is limited.
In short, the female athlete MUST prioritize what helps her perform at her highest levels while staying off the sideline.
Read more to learn why strength training during the season is a MUST for the female athlete.
YOUTH WEIGHTLIFTING: Its time to debunk some myths!
For decades, the public has believed that lifting weights is dangerous from the youth population….believing it stunts growth, or it is inherently dangerous….
But in 2019, the US Department of Health & Human Services provided us with a new narrative….
Keep reading to learn the TRUTH about youth lifting and what MYTHS need to be busted FOR GOOD.